Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ignites around the world...

The idea of Ignite talks has taken over many cities around the world. There is one likely in your city coming up and if there isn't perhaps help get one started?

Check out the schedule.

The next one in New York ..don't miss it!
October 9th for Yahoo! Open Hackday
Millennium Broadway Hotel
145 West 44th Street, NYC

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Traits of a great ScrumMaster

As I watch the First Presidential Address To Congress I can't help but drive parallels in Obama and a great SCRUMMaster. Yes, perhaps a glorified one...:)

He is inspirational, an excellent communicator, puts the responsibility and decision making back on his team (and a large one for that; his cabinet, congress, the country), has the ability to remove impediments, focuses the team to the vision, a solid listener, finds ways to get the best out of this team; a true servant leader.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Quick Read

I had heard a lot about One night at the call center. Contrary to the title, its little about how a call center works. It also turned out to be more of a short story than a novel. A bit like a cliche Hindi movie in the form of a book (guy gets girl, drama all along to get there minus the 12 songs to fill the three hours). Not intellectually stimulating if that's what you are looking for, though if you are curious about the younger working generation in India you get some of that.

Having some friends working at call centers; the attitude, behavior, working environment isn't too far off.

I am often taken back by 'western' influences on the Indian youth. I fully support the growth, the job opportunities, the independence though disappointed in the ability of people to pick the best of both worlds. However, the drugs, the drinking, the adultery continue to surprise me. Or perhaps it always existed just more obvious now.

Have you read it?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Time well spent

Recently finished reading 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' and absolutely feel in love with the book and the author. Not only was a page turner and forced me to give up all things social for every evening until I finished it, it was an emotional roller coaster which I feel like I am still on even days after having read the last page. The patience, the endurance, the inhumane torture, the crazy cultural norms...all felt so far away and unreal until I read the piece about 9/11 which is still so current, so real, so close, having moved to NY a few short days before the incident..very moving and humbling.

Did you have the chance to be part of Miriam and Laila's life story? If not, I highly recommend it. Another good read is Kite Runner also by Khaled Hosseini.

Friday, December 12, 2008

New iPhone

Enjoying my new white iphone; looking for some good games, any ideas?

Been playing Brain Tuner..

can you beat my best time?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bangalore's on Fire..

Check this out..


I hear Mumbai is working on theirs; will keep you posted.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ignite Bangalore

I had a wonderful experience organizing and hosting India's first Ignite in Bangalore. Judging by responses on the facebook event wall others enjoyed it too.

Wanted to give a huge thanks to the fantastic speakers.

For pictures of the evening check out flickr; videos coming soon..:)

I hear rumors about Bangalore Ignite II coming soon. I'll post here if when I have more info.